VADnet Heroes
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VADnet Hero: William Ingram, Communica, Sweden

Members are the driving force behind the biggest PAN European cooperation of Value Added Distributors in the IoT industry. That’s why we call them ‘VADnet Heroes’.

This time, we would like you to introduce VADnet Hero – William Ingram, CEO at Communica, but also Board member and Co-founder of VADnet. Who is this man who has meant so much for our VADnet community?

William Ingran, CEO Communica

The Hardworking VADnet Hero Who Crossed the Atlantic

When William Ingram packed his bags in the 1990s and moved from the USA to Sweden, little did he know that he was embarking on a journey of resilience and innovation. Sweden was in the throes of a brutal recession, and jobs were as scarce as a sunny winter day. Yet, with the grit of a marathon runner (which he actually is) and the optimism of someone who believes coffee can solve any crisis (which he absolutely does), William found a way to stay—outworking everyone else.

A few years after his arrival, he co-founded Communica in 1997 with Johan and Daniel, and together they built a company that mirrored William’s work ethic. Today, as CEO, his motto remains etched into the DNA of the company: “Hard work solves all problems.”


William Ingram, Communica

From Modems to IoT Marvels: The Evolution of Communica

Back then in the nineties, when 56K modems were a novelty, Communica started as a datacommunications distributor. By 2007, industrial wireless routers were introduced and Communica was adapting from beeping modems to innovative IoT systems. Through it all, their core strategy of working with resellers and maintaining strong personal relationships never changed. And with great success: Communica has been profitable every single year since its start. Talk about consistency!

Now, Communica is all about being a Value-Added Distributor in IoT, with a focus on pre-sales knowledge, post-sales support, and building trust with partners. It’s a business model that works. With AI and other new technologies appearing fast into our lives, William is confident about the future, as a matter a fact, Communica is already on the AI-hype, optimizing its own systems like tech wizards.

VADnet: Where Business Meets Racecars

William didn’t just join VADnet; he co-founded it. Why? Networking with like-minded business owners is so valuable. It’s something you don’t easily find in normal everyday life. Moreover, VADnet brings Communica access to better vendor agreements, collaborative purchasing power, and—let’s not forget—some great after-hours fun.

Ask William about his favorite VADnet memory, and his eyes light up. “Nürburgring,” he says with a grin. Between a heart-pounding taxi ride in a Porsche and tearing up the track in a Suzuki racemonster, it’s a story he’ll probably still be telling when he is old and wise..

William Ingran, racing

Behind the CEO: Coffee, Classic Rock, and the Vasaloppet

William’s heart belongs to the outdoors. Whether it’s running, biking, hiking, or (cross country) skiing, he’s all in. Sometimes he wants to be challenged in competition. The legendary Swedish Vasaloppet, the longest cross-country ski race in the world, counting 90km, has been conquered by William a few times. Most proud about his last performance, which he finished with his also sporty son.  More dead then alive, but all pain forgotten after a nice beer afterwards!.

When he’s not pushing the limits of endurance, you’ll find him enjoying classic rock, going to the movies (with an attraction to Oscar nominated movies – the latest one was the political thriller ‘Conclave’) or reading books. His favourite is a true bestseller, sold over 30 million pieces in 37 countries’, called “Who Moved My Cheese? from Dr. Spencer Johnson’’. It is about how to cope with changes; a short but inspiring book, written in 1998, but still so true in 2025 and therefore recommendable to anyone.

And if he ever needs a quiet moment? France, with its regional wines and fresh cuisine, is his favorite escape for a holiday.

If William Ruled Europe for a Day…

Hand William the keys to Europe, and his first move would be to make the continent energy independent. Green energy for the win! Not only would it improve the economy and health of Europe, but it would also mean no more funding to countries and regimes that we do not want our money to go to.

And if you wake him up at 3 a.m. in the night? Make sure you have a motivational story in hand. Although he does not want to sell anyone short, Hugo Carvalho is an example of a business sparring partner, who is giving him the right energy – just like he tries himself to inspire everyone at Communica and beyond.

Communica, Sweden

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